Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today was Official Breakout the Flip-Flops Day. It was a beautiful thing.

Lots of Texas teenager craziness going on around here. We're basically their tour guides around the city. Which means walking about 10-15 miles yesterday. And then a day off to recuperate.

So, me being me, I've been making a mental list of things that will will be different, "foreign" if you will, to me when I get home. Here it goes:
- Driving. Just stopping to think now, I have a hard time remembering where the gas and brake are. Hopefully that'll come back naturally.
- Understanding. For the past two months, I haven't understood most of what I've heard or read. I'm used to not hearing or seeing English. The fact that I'll be back surrounded by it is really strange to think about.
- Understanding. The fact that everyone will be able to understand me. I've gotten in the habit of talking as little as possible to strange people. It saves me time and effort. I just nod and smile most of the time. America will think I'm rude.
- Menus. I will freak out the first time I look at a menu and know what everything on there means. And then there's ordering. I won't know how to order without pointing and slowly saying as little as possible.
- Changing my language. Right now, I can pretty easily slip out a 'gracias' or 'si' or 'hola'. I even have to stop myself from slipping out French every so often. Stopping that will be tough.
- Jennifer. Shoot, I've spent every day with the chick for two months, not to mention some pretty intense times in between. Not seeing that face every day will be different. Not bad, but different ;)
- Commodities. I've been able to exist on a few pairs of pants, a hand full of shirts and just minimal things all around. Suddenly having so much at my disposal will be very weird. And intimidating.
- People. Most days here, I'm around two people that know me and that I have a relationship with. Home, that number grows quite a bit. I will have to adjust how I relate to people, which should be interesting.
- Time. Jetlag. Waking up at three in the morning, dead tired by seven at night. Not looking forward to that.

Even though I've known about this for years, it still makes me happy: http://www.foundmagazine.com/find/767

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