Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So, the title of this thing is becoming obsolete. I now know the following phrases: "con/solo queso" "cafe con leche" "sin" "beuno", plus a variety of food related words. Most of my very limited Spanish has to do with food. As it should be.

Talk about a bummer of a day. Nothing feels better than feeling like you can't do anything right no matter how much you try. I either need some positive affirmation or for the next 50something days to go by quickly. It seems I spend a lot of time as a giant ball of frustration.

The next two weeks are going to be interesting. And exhausting. And probably make me hate life. And I'm usually all for spontaneity but its irritating not to really know what we're doing day to day when we're in charge of people. Knowing things would be nice. And see? Giant ball of frustration.

There's nothing really special about this picture. It was just in the little city we went to the other day called Honorribia (or something like that). And the streets were literally empty. It was rather creepy.

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