Thursday, March 26, 2009

Continual ball of frustration

So when am I coming home? I have no idea.

Number of jobs I've already applied for today: 13
Number that have already been declined: 2
How many of those would I actually enjoy: maybe 2

The love of my life, my everything, my beautiful, flawless possession that I hold in the utmost value, it is broken. My wonderful camera that I got for graduation and have cherished for only a few short months went crashing to the floor yesterday. Broke my heart. The lens is jammed or broken or something. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

I'm totally in one of those moments in life where it seems that nothing is going right and in an effort to combat it, I'm going numb. And that's never good.

This has been such a downer of a post. So here's a Spanish flower:

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